About Us - The Writing on the Wall
Let not mercy and truth forsake you;
Bind them around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart
Proverbs 3:3-4
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
John 1:1
We are Chris and Carrie Roberts, followers of Jesus Christ who have only recently discovered the power of God's holy Word. Repenting from many years of addiction and apostacy, we were saved by the grace of Jesus in the fall of 2023, turning our lives around and dedicating ourselves to His service.
We were both raised in Christian households and I myself had an extensive Catholic education. Around the time that we met in college, we joined one another in walking away from God to explore new age philosophies, mysticism and drugs. Nearly two decades later we found ourselves living in a remote Colorado mountain town called Crestone, known throughout the world as a sort of haven for all religions. It was home to all sorts of spiritual lifestyles from Tibetan Buddhism and new age Hinduism to Native American Church families and goddess cults - But the one true God and His only Son were interestingly absent from the collective consciousness of such a "spiritually advanced" place.
During the Crestone years, we tragically opened demonic doors through sins like ancient occult rituals, psychedelic drugs and pagan ceremonies. But this was not God's plan for us, and like a Good Shepherd, He came looking for us when we were lost in the swamps of sin. In a few short years, He carried us out of that place and brought us to rural Missouri, where we bought a home and found a church.
We were both blessed with well-paying remote jobs in entertainment technology; I worked as a marketing writer and Carrie as a community manager. We have both always been creative entrepreneurs at heart, looking for ways to go into business for ourselves as we jumped between different jobs and industries ranging from restaurants and grocery store management to event planning, baking, direct sales and more. It was this entrepreneurial and crafting spirit that led Carrie to purchase our laser engraving machine shortly after she was laid off in late 2022, although we didn't yet know what we would use it for.
In September of 2023, around my 40th birthday, the truth of the Gospel hit us both like a ton of bricks, leading us into a season of repentance and deliverance, a time of purging. We destroyed all the drug parphernalia and dumped all the alcohol. By the time I had burned the occult books and destroyed or given away the evil objects in our home, our bookshelves and walls were almost bare. There were empty spaces that needed to be filled...
When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order.
-Matthew 12:43-44
There was no doubt in either of our minds about what was needed to fill those spaces: The Word of God. New collections of Bibles and Christian books began filling the bookshelves and engraved wood slices with our favorite verses appeared one by one on our walls.
I have heard of Christians blessing their home by writing Bible verses behind the walls before drywall is added or on the subfloors before flooring is installed. We believe that using scripture as wall decoration is a beautiful way to protect your loved ones and declare God's blessing over your home.
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
Ephesians 6:17
It is our hope and prayer that our Slices of Scripture will bless homes, uplift restless hearts and inspire those who believe in the truth of God's salvation through Jesus Christ. Thank you for supporting this Christ-centered small business.